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Act 4: Fermentation - The Transformation of Sugar into Alcohol

Alcoholic fermentation is one of the crucial stages in the production of red wine. It is at this stage that the sugars in the grape must transform into alcohol, creating wine. This transformation is orchestrated by yeasts, microorganisms naturally present in the wine environment. Let's dive into the fascinating art of fermentation.

Château Châtain, a red wine from Vignobles FABRIS

Yeasts: Wine Artisans

Yeasts, unicellular microorganisms, play the role of wine artisans. They feed on the sugars present in the grape must and transform them into alcohol, specifically ethanol.

The Birth of Alcohol

Alcoholic fermentation starts naturally thanks to the yeasts present on the skin of the grapes or in the cellar environment. Some winemakers also choose to add selected yeasts to control and influence the process.

Temperature Management

Fermentation temperature is a key parameter. Lower temperatures promote slower and more regular fermentation, thus preserving the delicate aromas of the wine. Conversely, higher temperatures can lead to faster fermentation, creating fuller-bodied wines.

Constant Monitoring of the Winegrower

A winemaker always pays attention to the fermentation of his wine

The winemaker carefully monitors the fermentation process, controlling the temperature, sugar level and alcohol content. He decides when to stop fermentation, depending on the level of dryness (i.e. the residual sugar level) he wants for his wine.

Fermentation Duration

Alcoholic fermentation typically lasts from a few days to a few weeks, depending on various factors, including temperature and the amount of sugar in the must. Some wines, like full-bodied red wines, may benefit from longer fermentation to develop a strong tannin structure.

The Birth of Wine

The birth of the wine goes through good fermentation

At the end of alcoholic fermentation, the sugar has been transformed into alcohol, giving rise to wine. At this stage the wine is still young and will require further steps such as breeding and aging to develop its complexity and aromas.

Alcoholic fermentation is a key moment in the life of wine. This is where the sugars in the must turn into alcohol, creating the nectar we enjoy. It is an act of patience and vigilance, where the winemaker skillfully guides the yeasts in their work. Each fermentation is a unique story, influenced by the terroir, the grapes and the talent of the winemaker. It is a magical transformation which results in the birth of a promising wine.


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